Wawel tickets official site: bilety.wawel.krakow.pl

Museum Night

May 19/20, 2023
Museum Night at Wawel Royal Castle will be an exciting journey in the footsteps of great artists and masterpieces and through the history of old printed book. It will begin on Friday, May 19, at 7 p.m. and will last until 1 a.m. on May 20.
Note: the last entry to all exhibitions – midnight.

 You can visit the Báthory courtyard, St. Gereon’s Church, the State Rooms, the Royal Private Apartments, the Crown Treasury, and the Royal Gardens, where you can see the new temporary exhibition Beksiński: Sculptures.
The featured events of the night will be the openings of our special shows Titian and Others: Wawel Royal Castle’s Newest Works of Art and Gifts from the Sun King: The Celebratory Presentation of the Order of the Holy Spirit to King John III Sobieski.
In conjunction with this year’s 550th anniversary of the publication of the first book in Krakow, you can also view valuable old printed books from the Sapieha Library.

Information for Visitors

map of the hill
Entrance to the Wawel Hill: through Senatorska Gate (see map)

admssion – 1 PLN, tickets available from May 19:
  • on-line – from 12 pm
  • at the entrance (Senatorska Gate) – from 7 pm
Note: the last entry to all exhibitions – midnight.