On March 28 the Arcaded Courtyard will be open until 5 pm | Wawel tickets official site: bilety.wawel.krakow.pl
The Archives of Wawel Royal Castle contain documents, manuscripts and records
They are divided into two groups – Institutional Archives, including current documents, and Academic Archives, including documents related to Wawel Hill, and divided into three groups: 1. Archaeology
field inventory 1948–1995
descriptive documents of archaeological research (1948-1990)
photo documentation of the excavations
graphic documentation of archaeological research (1948-1998)
2. Museum
a. Departme nt I – Wawel Restoration Executive Committee Archive, which comprises documents from 1855-1939, including issues relating to the reclamation of the hill from the Austrians, rebuilding under the supervision of Zygmunt Hendel and Adolf Szyszko-Bohusz, archaeological and conservation works and the first years of the museum (e.g. documents concerning benefactors, offers to purchase museum exhibits, reports from the commission for interior furnishings)
b. Department II – Museum Activity, a collect ion of documents related to the functioning of the institution after 1945: e.g. materials for the restitution of exhibits after World War II, return of Wawel treasures and tapestries from Canada, purchase and donations of exhibits, documentation of Wawel exhibitions and publications, including a poster collection.
c. Department III – Varia; a small collection of historic documents, including royal and tsarist signatures, documents on the 1863 uprising, the Lanckoroński family gift, e.g. Jacek Malczewski’s letters to Karol Lanckoroński, or a collection of stamps and postcards related to Wawel.
d. Deposits – archived materials about the Prauss and Mieroszewski families.
e. Department IV – microfilms and photocopies ordered from other institutio ns, concerning various issues of the royal castle and museum.
f. Department V – restoration d ocuments of movable Wawel treasures and exhibits (e.g. pictures, textiles, sculpture, china, furniture and weapons) and restoration and technical documents on Wawel Hill and Pieskowa Skała.
3. Drawings an d technical plans of the hill and real estate managed by Wawel Royal Castle
a. architectural drawings illustrating the condition of the castle, the restoration process, and architectural concepts of arranging the hill (second half of the 19th c–20th c)
b. architectural documentation: stock taking and plans
c. technical documentation of the hill infrastructure and buildings (20th c.).