Wawel tickets official site: bilety.wawel.krakow.pl

Crown Treasury

Exhibition Opening

The Crown Treasury is reopening after a year and a half long closure with a new installation in the Casimir the Great Room, the largest in the exhibition.
This room was once part of the formal residential apartment of King Casimir III the Great, the last of the Piast Dynasty.

Today it holds one of the most important collections of gold and silver in Poland. The exhibition, which first opened to the public in 1959, was devised to recall the institution that affirmed the independence of the Kingdom of Poland, the Crown Treasury, where the crown jewels, insignia of power, and the royal treasure were kept. The 1959 exhibition was created by Professor Adam Młodzianowski. Today, the exhibition cabinets that he designed, and which served the Crown Treasury exhibition well for nearly sixty years, have been replaced with modern display cases that meet the highest exhibition and preservation standards. The new arrangement is part of the “Wawel – Heritage for the Future” project financed by European Union Funds. The new cases have doubled the exhibition space, making it possible to display 321 precious objects.

The Wawel Royal Castle would like to invite Cracow’s residents and visitors

to a special complimentary viewing of the Crown Treasury on

May 24, 2019 (Friday)
From 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
  • Guests must present a free admission pass (amount limited)
  • Free admission passes will be available beginning May 20 at the Information Desk in the Visitors Centre (11:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.) and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis
  • Visitors will be admitted in groups, every 30 minutes; the estimated entry time will be written on the admission pass
  • Enter via the Bernardyńska Gate or the Herbowa Gate

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