Wawel tickets official site: bilety.wawel.krakow.pl

Wawel Royal Castle at Dusk | Chamber Concert

Paula Maciołek – soprano
Piotr Kalina – tenor
Olga Tsymbaluk – piano


Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848)
“Quel guardo il cavaliere...” – Norina’s aria from the opera Don Pasquale (act No. 1)

Wolfgang Amadeusz Mozart (1756-1791)
“Vedrommi intorno” – Idomeneo’s aria from the opera Idomeneo, Re di Creta, KV 366 (act No. 1)

Stanisław Moniuszko (1819-1872)
Cisza dokoła (‘Silence around’) Stefan’s aria from the opera Straszny dwór (‘The Haunted Manor’, act No. 3)
Song of Naia (lyrics: Józef Korzeniowski)
Duet from the operetta Loteria (‘Lottery’)
Song Znasz li ten kraj? (‘Do you know the land?’, lyrics: Adam Mickiewicz after Goethe)

Karol Szymanowski (1882-1937)
Daleko został cały świat (‘The world is left far behind’) from 6 Songs, Op. 2 – lyrics: Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer
Lecioły zórazie (‘The cranes were flying’) from 12 Kurpie Songs, Op. 58 (folk lyrics)
Wysła burzycka (‘The storm has come’) from 12 Kurpie Songs, Op. 58 (folk lyrics)

Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924)
“Che gelida manina” – Rodolfo’s aria from the opera La boheme (act No. 1)
“Si, mi chiamano” – Mimi’s aria form the opera La boheme (act No. 1)“O soave fanciulla” – duet of Mimi & Rodolfo from the opera La boheme (act No. 1)
  • entrance to the Wawel Hill: Bernardyńska Gate, Herbowa Gate, Senatorska Gate, 45 minutes before the concert