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Wspaniałość rokoka. Miśnieńskie figurki porcelanowe Johanna Joachima Kaendlera

porcelanowe figurki
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27 czerwca 2024 Johann Joachim Kaendler, rzeźbiarz miśnieński
Prowadząca: Dorota Gabryś
Datowane na rok 1744 wielopostaciowe „Ukrzyżowanie Chrystusa” autorstwa wybitnego rzeźbiarza Johanna Joachima Kaendlera jest jednym z najcenniejszym obiektów w zbiorach wawelskich, w zbiorach zamku znajduje także kilkanaście figurek wykonanych przez tego modelera. Wykład poświęcony zostanie także projektom o tematyce dworskiej, których przykłady z prywatnych kolekcji zaprezentujemy na wystawie „Wspaniałość rokoka”. 
 ⇒ link do spotkania

25 lipca 2024 Important Meissen porcelain in Munich 
Prowadząca: Dr. Katharina Hantschmann
For centuries the Bavarian rulers strove to demonstrate their high status by developing a glittering court life, engaging the best artists and ordering outstanding and most fashionable items of decorative art. Prince Elector Carl Albrecht who was even elected emperor in 1742, ordered in Augsburg a unique service of Chinese and Meissen porcelain completely covered with gold and magnificently etched. As he was related to the Saxon court he was also early owner of Meissen porcelain such as a table fountain or four tea services with Chinese scenes exposed on tiered silver stands. 1968 the German industrialist Dr. Ernst Schneider donated the greatest part of his Meissen collection with more than 2000 pieces to the Bavarian State. His prerequisite for exhibiting the collection in a Baroque palace was fulfilled by placing it in Lustheim Castle, a summer residence of the Bavarian rulers. The famous collection of early Meissen porcelain ranks second only to the Zwinger in Dresden. The lecture will discuss some of the most interesting pieces of both collections. Speaker: Dr. Katharina Hantschmann
⇒ link do wykładu (wykład w języku angielskim)

19 września 2024 Kaendler's figural tableware
Prowadząca: dr Claudia Bodinek
The special exhibition ‘Magnificence of Rococo’ offers visitors a comprehensive overview of the sculptural porcelain work of the famous Meissen master modeller Johann Joachim Kaendler (1706–1775). However, one theme has been left out: the figural tableware. 
The best-known example of this is certainly the swan service, which included free-plastic figures serving to crown the tureens, among other things, as well as the eponymous relief with the swan couple that adorns the inside of the plates, bowls, and dishes. 
But what made Kaendler create such an elaborate service that would take five years to produce, or even seven years from the initial designs? What did other services made in the 1730s and 1740s look like? And what influence did the swan service have on them? 
Join us on a journey through the last years of the splendour-loving late Baroque and the dawn of the Rococo era. 
⇒ link do spotkania (wykład w języku angielskim)

10 października 2024 As natural as if it was living – The Meissen Porcelain Menagerie
Prowadząca: Julia Weber
The menagerie of predominantly life-size porcelain animal sculptures is one of the outstanding pioneering achievements of the Meissen porcelain manufactory and one of the absolute highlights and visitors’ favourites of the Dresden Porcelain Collection. They continue to amaze us to this day, and not just because of their mastery of the medium’s technical demands. Even contemporaries admired Johann Joachim Kaendler’s special talent for capturing the particular qualities and characters of animals and for making them come alive with a remarkable sense of movement in the ultimately hard and rigid material of porcelain. During the lecture, we will learn what these unique sculptures can tell us about the perception of animals at a time when natural scientists and philosophers discussed whether animals possessed consciousness like humans or even souls.
⇒ link do spotkania


Zwiedzanie obejmuje trzy sale wystawy Gabinet Porcelanowy, dotyczy głównie zgromadzonej w nich porcelany z Królewskiej Manufaktury w Miśni. Dodatkiem będzie czasowa wystawa Wspaniałość Rokoka, na której prezentowane są rzeźby Johanna Joachima Kaendlera wypożyczone z prywatnych kolekcji zagranicznych.
  • 18 czerwca, 16 lipca, 6 sierpnia 
  • godzina 12:00
  • bilety 50 zł, sprzedaż online
Zorganizowanie wystawy „Wspaniałość rokoka. Miśnieńskie figurki porcelanowe Johanna Joachima Kaendlera” dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
logotyp Ministerstwa Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowegologotyp Robig Munchen